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1K Plastic primer P80

Technical information

SOTRO 1K Plastic primer P80

Technical information

SOTRO 1K Plastic Primer P80 is a fast one-component elastic primer.

Available types:

T028010 - 1 liter, yellowish transparent;
T028011 - 1 liter, transparent silver.

Specifications. SOTRO 1K Plastic Primer P80 contains special polymers to enhance the adhesion of the coated materials (primers, fillers, paints, varnishes, etc.) to all types of plastic products used in the manufacture of automobiles. Ready to use, can be thinned with acrylic thinner.

Storage. Store in closed containers and in a well-ventilated place. The recommended storage temperature should be between + 15 ° C and 25 ° C with a max. relative humidity 60%.

The information contained in this technical inspection is based on current scientific and technical knowledge and, therefore, does not exempt the customer from checking the suitability of our products for use and as intended.