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P30 Multi Air - multifunctional universal

Technical information

Filling multifunctional universal SOTRO Multi Air Putty P30

Technical information

SOTRO Multi Air putty P30 is a multipurpose polyester putty.

Available types:

T013010 - 1000 ml

Specifications. It is characterized by good adhesion to various surfaces: metal, aluminum, galvanized, wood and polyester surfaces. Thanks to a special NANO filler, it stands out for its particular lightness and strength, has the properties of a filling and finishing putty. Very soft and easy to sand (45% lower density than traditional putty).

Application: before application, clean and degrease the surface to be treated. The working time of the mixture is 8 - 10 minutes at a temperature of 20 ° C.

Attention! Using too much hardener can cause discoloration of the top coat. It is not recommended to use a filler below 15 ° C. Store in closed containers in a dry and well-ventilated place.

The information contained in this technical inspection is based on current scientific and technical knowledge and, therefore, does not exempt the customer from checking the suitability of our products for use and as intended.