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SP10 Polyester Spray - liquid spray

Technical information

Liquid putty SOTRO Polyester Spray Putty SP10

Technical information

SOTRO Polyester Spray Putty SP10 is a two-component spray putty.

Available types:

T011010 - 1.2 kg

Specifications. SOTRO Polyester Spray Puy SP10 is a two-component sprayable putty. It has balanced thixotropy and excellent flow and filling properties, which allows it to be applied over large areas, easily filling both small and deep defects (pin holes and sanding marks). It is characterized by very light sanding and excellent adhesion to fiberglass, metal, wood, polyester laminates, hard plastics. Due to its high sensitivity to water, SP10 should only be dry-sanded. To prevent blistering, especially in humid conditions, an insulating layer (minimum 35 µm) of epoxy insulating primer should be applied to all surfaces before applying the putty.

Application:before application, clean and degrease the surface to be treated. The working life of the mixture is 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 20 ° C.

Attention! Using too much hardener can destroy the material. It is not recommended to use a filler below 18 ° C. Store in closed containers in a dry and well-ventilated place.

The information contained in this technical inspection is based on current scientific and technical knowledge and, therefore, does not exempt the customer from checking the suitability of our products for use and as intended.