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UHS Acryl filler 5:1 Expert F20 + FH25

Technical information

UHS Acryl filler 5:1 Expert F20 + Hardener FH25

Technical information

SOTRO UHS Acryl filler 5:1 Expert F20 is a two component acrylic filler with high solids content (UHS - Ultra High Solid)ю

Available types:

T022110 - F20 filler 1 liter, gray,
T022140 - F20 filler 4 liters, gray,
T022210 - F20 filler 1 liter, black,
T022240 - F20 filler 4 liters, black,
T022310 - F20 filler  1 liter, white,
T022340 - F20 filler  4 liters, white,
T022502 - hardener FH25 0.2 l. normal,
T022508 - hardener FH25 0.8 l. normal.

Specifications. SOTRO UHS Acryl filler 5: 1 Expert F20 dries quickly, sands easily, does not clog the abrasive. Has good filling properties. Compatible with all modern paint systems.

Application: intended for normal use with sanding. Before application, clean and degrease the surface to be treated. The working life of the mixture
is 2 hours at a temperature of + 20 ° C. The optimum dry layer thickness is 120-180 microns.

Storage. Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight and freezing. The storage temperature should be as close to room temperature as possible; the recommended storage temperature should be between +15 and 25 ° C with a max. relative humidity 60%.

The information contained in this technical inspection is based on current scientific and technical knowledge and, therefore, does not exempt the customer from checking the suitability of our products for use and as intended.